Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cedarwood bliss

There is one oil that is my favorite oil that I cannot live without- and this is Cedarwood oil!

Cedarwood is the oil I hate to love as I personally think it STINKS! I have always heard the oils that smell bad to you are ones that you need... and in this instance it is 100% true. Oils smell differently to different people, and most people who smell cedarwood on me (at this points it's pretty much always on me) tell me that it smells good, and as I continue to use it I am coming around to it.

Cedarwood oil contains the highest amount of sesquiterpenes- a hydrocarbon group that is found in essential oils which stimulate the limbic system of the brain. This stimulation aids in elevating our mood and decreasing stress. 

Cedarwood helps my marriage thrive! 

The other day I set up a meeting at a local Waffle House to meet someone off of Craigslist (I know, I know) to sell my phone. Funny thing is, when I went to get in my car (the meeting was in 5 minutes) I realized my lovely husband had taken my car to the gym and had taken the only key to his car with him. I panicked and, being the runner I am, took off toward Waffle House in a sequin tank-top, pink shorts, and leopard print flats. Oh, and it was a thousand degrees outside. Long story short, I ran about a mile to the Waffle House and realized the man had responded to my email about not having a car and had driven to a restaurant right beside my apartment. I then had to turn right around and sprint back 3/4 mile to this new rendezvous point. Only after I sold the phone did my adrenaline decrease enough for me to realize I was drenched in sweat and my feet were bleeding. Literally, both small toes and under my big toe had the skin rubbed off. I walked home on the phone with my mom who can verify that I was not as zen as I would like to think. I got home and instantly applied cedarwood behind my ears, on my wrists, and inhaled deeply using diaphragm breathing. 

When Carlos got home I did not even yell, I simply mentioned that he please leave me a key when he takes my car in case of an emergency. 

Now- pre-oils I would have been ranting and raving like a lunatic. However, I honestly did not have the pent-up stress waiting for him when he got home- and I am 1000% certain this is due to the cedarwood! This interaction could have been very negative and caused anger and hurt feelings, but instead I calmly was assertive and we went on with our night without an issue. Also, with cedarwood helping with sleep, anxiety, and anger in general, I am overall a more calm, happy, easy-to-get-along-with person. If that's not a direct positive impact on my marriage, I don't know what is!

I also use cedarwood nightly in my diffuser with lavender or just neat on the bottom of my feet (especially big toes) and my wrists. I have never slept better. 
Running really helps with anxiety/anger!

I keep cedarwood on me at all times. I deal with anxiety that tends to manifest as anger, which has greatly improved through regular running and yoga practice. This oil has helped me immensely with my situational anxiety- such as at work- where I can't just run away!

Even Ashley, right after the waffle house incident and before our online class that we were not completely prepared for, made a comment that "Wow, you seem really calm."

I recommend cedarwood as a first purchase after the kit to everyone I meet. It's calming, grounding, and has many other uses than what I have reviewed. Don't give up on an oil because it stinks, it may be exactly what you need! Everyone has a different body composition, though, so keep in mind what works so incredibly for me may not work as well for you. I hope it does work as well for you, however, as cedarwood is my little stinky lifesaver! 


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