Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hangover Helpers

Ashley and I at the wedding
Ashley and I attended an awesome wedding last night and had a blast dancing the night away! This morning I found the need to use some oils to confront certain... symptoms. Here are the oils we use as hangover helpers!

Grapefruit is great for helping your body cleanse itself. It can aid with fluid retention and help to detox the liver and kidneys- two organs that go into overdrive when you are consuming alcohol. You can apply grapefruit topically over your liver, on the back of your neck, and behind your ears. You can also add a drop to your water to aid in cleansing your body (only in a glass or stainless steel container).

Lavender  helps with nausea and headaches. I like to diffuse lavender and/or apply to the palms of my hands, cup my hands over my nose, and take 5 slow, deep breaths.

Peppermint  can help to perk you up and energize you when all you feel like doing is laying in bed and groaning all day. It is also great for headaches and nausea- I mix peppermint with lavender to help with headaches- apply topically to temples and forehead.

Lemon helps to support the body with digestion and detoxification. Add a drop to your water to help your body detox and release water retention. Apply lemon topically over liver and to the back of your next to aid in detox.

DiGize is my stinky little tummy helper. Apply topically to stomach to help with nausea, indigestion, and sour stomach. You can also add a drop or two to water or tea for stomach upset. If you can't stomach the smell, you can apply to vita-flex points on soles of feet.

Luckily, four of these oils come in the Premium Starter Kit, so many of you most likely already have them. If you don't have grapefruit I would definitely recommend picking it up in your next order, it is an amazingly fresh smelling EO that is wonderful for your body!

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