Sunday, June 12, 2016

Empty bottle tip!

If you are anything like me, you'll order lavender every month because you'll use it for EVERYTHING! Lavender essential oil really is the swiss army knife of EOs! So, this morning I happened to end up with an empty lavender bottle. Did I thoss it before opening my new bottle? NO! There's a reason Young Living picked these containers for their oils- they're durable, glass, portable, and protected from UV light with their amber color! Instead of tossing an empty bottle, you can use it for your own oil creation!

I started by carefully peeling the label off of the lavender bottle. If there's any sticky residue you can put a drop of lemon essential oil and rub the gunk off with a paper towel easily.

After removing the top, seal, and inner plastic part I was ready to add my oils! I chose to add cedarwood, lavender, and stress away for a custom calming blend. I had a roller ball and top from Young Living handy- these tops fit perfectly in the bottles and click shut for a secure fit. You'll hear the snap when it is fully inserted.

I used fractionated coconut oil as my carrier for dilution. I added 10 drops of cedarwood, 12 drops lavender, 8 drops stress away, and filled with my carrier oil. I snapped the top on and used a gold glass paint marker to label my bottle. Voila! I now have a perfectly portable custom blend without needing to purchase another glass roller bottle!

I happened to use lavender in my blend so I did not need to empty the bottle fully, but if you happen to want to ensure the oil from the bottle is completely out you can clean the bottle with alcohol or boil the empty bottle. Now you'll never feel like you're wasting these awesome bottles!

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